Who are we ?

What is Mumble ?

Mumble is asking me about a certificate, what is it ?

I don't understand anything, please help me!

What is a slot ?

I'm connected with my account SuperUser but I cannot talk? Why?

Since version 1.2.0, I cannot find the ability to edit groups and ACLs

How do I connect to my Mumble Server?

Adding and Removing Mumble channels.

Setting up a Mumble user as a server administrator.

Step 1 - Log in to your Mumble Server.

Connect to your Mumble Server as the User you would like to make an administrator.

Related Tutorials: How do I connect to my server?

Step 2 - Register the user you want to make an administrator on the Mumble server.

Highlight your user name in the Mumble client and right click "Register".

Note: If you do not see the "Register" option then the user is already registered on the Mumble server.

Step 3 - Confirm the user registration

Click "Yes" to confirm the user registration.

Step 4 - Connect to your Mumble Server as SuperUser.

Disconnect from the Mumble server and reconnect as "SuperUser".

Related Tutorials: Connecting as "SuperUser"

Step 5 - Open up the Mumble Server editor.

Right click on the top level folder of the server and click edit.

Step 6 - Select the Groups Tab.

In the server editor click on the "Groups" tab.

Step 7 - Select admin group.

Use the group dropdown to select the "admin" group.

Step 8 - Add the user to the admin group.

Use the drop down or type in the username of the user you would like to make an administrator.

Click the "Add" button.

Step 9 - Verify the user is part of the admin group.

Click ok if the user has been added to the admin group.

Step 9 - Verify the user has been setup as a Mumble server administrator.

Disconnect from the server and reconnect as the user that is now an administrator.

Right click on the top level folder of the Mumble server.

If the "Edit" option is clickable then the new administrator has been setup correctly.

Removing a registerd user from your Mumble Server.

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